
Igniting the spark of genius in every child

Welcome to
SRS Prajna Vidya School, Hassan

The adults of tomorrow will live and work in an environment vastly different from our own, and it is our aim to help them succeed in it. Hence, we have developed an exclusive curriculum which merges academic excellence with development of leadership skills and 21st century competencies. Our academically rigorous curriculum is integrated into the national & international curriculum and is built to promote intellectual, aesthetic, creative, socio-emotional and physical development. The learning is tailored to the needs, aptitudes and interests of the child. We use play as an intrinsic approach to the learner’s cognitive, physical and socio-emotional development. To enhance this kind of learning we have partnered with a SRSPVS. Real life project based learning develops knowledge & skills in students. Children learn to apply their knowledge. It gives students the opportunity to engage deeply with subject matter leading to long term retention. Today’s learners are digital natives and learn naturally with the aid of technology. Our school is built in such a way that it enables the development of leadership skills & personalized learning. Holistic education is a blend of Indian & global best practices.


We are an ambitious school with a strong focus on leadership, academic excellence and 21st-century competencies. We believe that all children can be leaders given the right environment, tools, and support.